18-09-15  Summer Dressage League Final (5 of 5) – 20.9.15
Already it is round to the final of the Summer Dressage League – crazy how time flies when you’re having fun! So here are the times for Sundays final, I have tried to accommodate any requests, so hopefully I have got it all nearly right, but it was silly o’clock before I was finishing these, […]
13-09-15  Summer Show 2015 – 13.9.15
What a wonderful day! Lots of lovely competitors came from all over the province to take part in our annual Summer Show on 13th September 2015, making all the preparation and work worthwhile. Even better still the sun came out to play and stayed for most of the day, making the day even more pleasant. […]
12-09-15  Just Jumping – 6.9.15
Another cracking wee day for jumping and it would seem a great day for the Graces as they monopolised the 45cm results and took the top spot in the 50cm class too, well done to all these young ladies and indeed to all the others listed for their prize winning performance. 6.9.15   45cm 1st […]
11-09-15  Pony Club Restarts
Come along and find out more about what’s in store this year! Thursday 24th September @ 6.30pm  Parents and supporters welcome to come along and applaud your achievements being awarded.  New members most welcome to come and find out what is all about. All members must ride regularly in lessons at Laurel View 🙂 What is […]
11-09-15  XC Go As You Please
This is the date planned (fingers crossed that ground conditions are suitable!) for the last cross country go as you please of 2015 at Laurel View. If we have a mild/dry winter there is every chance that the xc playground, hacking track and water complex will mean that the xc fun does not have to […]
11-09-15  Jo Winfield FBHS Lessons
Back at Laurel View are the popular sessions with Jo Winfield FBHS, for BHS Stages Exam Training, Portfolio Assessment/Guidance or Lessons.  All bookings are made through Susan Irwin, British Horse Society Development Officer for Ireland, telephone: 028 4278 8681 or 07808 141079 or email: S.Irwin@bhs.org.uk Check out the link below for more details http://www.bhsireland.com/events/event/bhs-stages-exam-training-portfolio-assessment-guidance-or-lessons-with-jo-winfield-fbhs/
11-09-15  Jo Winfield FBHS Lessons
Back at Laurel View are the popular sessions with Jo Winfield FBHS, for BHS Stages Exam Training, Portfolio Assessment/Guidance or Lessons.  All bookings are made through Susan Irwin, British Horse Society Development Officer for Ireland, telephone: 028 4278 8681 or 07808 141079 or email: S.Irwin@bhs.org.uk Check out the link below for more details http://www.bhsireland.com/events/event/bhs-stages-exam-training-portfolio-assessment-guidance-or-lessons-with-jo-winfield-fbhs/
30-08-15  Cross Country Go As You Please
Nearly scared to say it, but the rain has stayed away overnight, so it looks like we can run with the Go As You Please this afternoon. 🙂 So we look forward to seeing you between 12 noon and 4pm. Park in the centre car parks and then check onto the course through the shop.
23-08-15  Summer Dressage League (4 of 5) – 23.8.15
Thankfully the rain stayed away for most of the day, but sadly it has made up for it since. Another excellent day of dressage at Laurel View, with quite a few having a go for the very first time, which we are always pleased to encourage, hopefully the experience wasn’t too stressful and they will […]
21-08-15  Summer Dressage League Final (5 of 5) – 20.9.15
The Summer months have flown by, so quickly that the Summer weather has not had a chance to appear yet!! But all the same 20th September will see our Summer Dressage League draw to a conclusion. The tests on the schedule for the finale of the league are Class 1: BD Intro A (walk, trot […]