21-08-15  Summer Dressage League (4 of 5) – 23.8.15
Finding time to do the times was a little tricky in the past 24 hours, but never mind, I have managed to get them done (and who needs sleep anyhow!!) and now here they are. Hopefully most will suit competitors nicely, any diffs please do get in touch and we can try and tweak times […]
14-08-15  Oops!
It would appear that I have mistakenly listed a go as you please on the 16th August in the press and also previously on the the competitions page of this website 🙁 Sorry for any confusion and potential disappointment, but we are not able to have a cross country go as you please on Sunday […]
11-08-15  Derby Day – 9.8.15
We decided not to run a derby league this summer, but we thought we could fit in a one off Derby Day and after a very enjoyable afternoon of good competitive fun, we are certainly glad that we did. 🙂 The twists and turns of the derby courses always provide a healthy challenge for the […]
11-08-15  Just Jumping – 6.9.15
This competition is exactly what it says on the tin, just jumping! The show jumping course will start at 45cm at noon, then up to 50cm, followed by 60cm, then 70cm and so on up to a metre. Entry fee is only £8 and if competitors manage a double clear, they earn themselves £2 cashback […]
11-08-15  Just Jumping – 12.7.15
The 12th of July proved to be another ideal opportunity to go “Just Jumping” at Laurel View, a good turnout of competitors give it a go, to see if they could earn cashback for clear or indeed win the class and jump for free. Everyone has another chance at this comp on Sunday 6th September […]
03-08-15  XC Go As You Please
Another date for the possibility of some Laurel View XC course action, as normal a noon start right up until 4pm, so long as ground conditions are up to scratch. Remember to check here for updates.
03-08-15  Summer Show Schedule now posted :-)
The full summer show schedule is now available to download if you click on the calendar entry for 13th September. Looking forward to it already. Hope we get some Summer before then!
05-07-15  Summer Dressage League (3 of 5) – 5.7.15
The downpour of rain we could have easily done without and the Red Arrows provided  a little extra excitement, but all in all the third leg of the Summer Dressage League passed off very pleasantly. A big thank you to all the competitors who made it worthwhile and to the judges for their time and […]
03-07-15  Summer Dressage League (4 of 5) – 23.8.15
The Summer will no doubt fly in and soon it will be time for the 4th leg of the Summer Dressage League. These are the tests on the schedule, feel through to send your entries through anythime now up until noon on Thursday 20th August via email to laurelview01@btinternet.com Class 1: PC D Level (walk, […]
03-07-15  Summer Dressage League (3 of 5) – 5.7.15
Time to post the times, hopefully the timings work well for most of you. As you know if you have any diffs with your allocated time, or are unable to come for whatever reason, we really would like you to give us a call, so that we can try to manoeuvre your time to suit […]