19-05-23  Summer Dressage League (1 of 5) – 21.5.23
Summer is almost here, or at least our Summer Dressage League is nearly here 🙂 Looks like we are set for some hot competition anyhow, with a fabulous number of entries. The times are all listed below. As always if you aren’t going to be able to get here for whatever reason, please try to let […]
09-05-23  SMWRC Dressage Day – 4.6.23
Another day to get your dressage fix at Laurel View. Don’t miss the chance to enter for the Six Mile Water Riding Club Dressage Day. Open to all – just enter online at https://itsplainsailing.com/org/sixmile
21-04-23  XC Go As You Please – 23.4.23
The Mid Antrim Pony Club 2 Phase is all set for tomorrow and if all goes to plan we hope to run a Go As You Please the day after on Sunday 23rd. We hope to open the course for the Go As You Please between 12.30pm and 4.30pm on Sunday 23rd April. Hats & […]
16-04-23  Mid Antrim PC Open 2 Phase – 22.4.23
Don’t miss out on getting your entries in for this 2 Phase organised by Mid Antrim Pony Club! Open to all – just follow the link below to enter 🙂  Mid Antrim PC Open 2 Phase entries
12-03-23  Winter 22/23 Dressage League Results
The competition on Sunday 12th March, was the conclusion of the 22/23 Winter Dressage League at Laurel View. Lots of wonderful support throughout the league, even in some pretty horrid weather conditions competitors from all over put their best hoof forward. Those who had competed at least twice in their class, in the same combo, […]
12-03-23  Winter Dressage League (6 of 6) – 12.3.23
So delighted that we were able to run this competition as scheduled, even though we were never sure which weather forecast was the best to pay attention to. The forecasted snow turned Laurel View into a white wilderness on Thursday evening.  With bright blue skies on Friday leading to a tight frost going into Saturday […]
11-03-23  Summer Dressage League (1 of 5) – 21.5.23
Summer or at least the Summer Dressage League will be here before we know it. starting on Sunday 21st May. Send your entries through by email to laurelview01@btinternet.com or telephone 028 9083 0649 right up to noon on Thursday 18th May. The tests for the first leg of the league are listed below. Class 1: […]
10-03-23  Winter Dressage League (6 of 6) – 12.3.23
As I type, the sky outside is clear blue and the landscape is white and beautiful and would be really lovely if I was on holiday in a ski resort! But I’m not, so we need everyone to think warm thoughts to see if we could encourage the thaw to allow everyone to come along […]
09-03-23  **Career Opportunities**
We are excited to announce that we are now recruiting for two new members of staff to join our busy, family run Equestrian Centre at Laurel View.  Fuller details of both positions are below. Please submit your application to laurelview01@btinternet.com by Sunday 19th March to be considered for these positions. Instructor/Groom/Rider Opportunity Groom/Rider Opportunity
21-02-23  BHS 2 Day Initial First Aid Course
This the first opportunity of 2023 to book on to the BHS Initial First Aid course which runs over 2 days, Monday 6th and Tuesday 7th March. Book through this link on the BHS website https://www.tickettailor.com/events/bhsireland/826360